


The Expiration of the “Legend of MIR II” License and Next Steps

5月10日,在娱美德1季度业绩发布电话会议中,张贤国(CEO)公布了将《热血传奇(Legend of Mir II)》、《传奇3(Legend of Mir III)》相关事业部门分拆成立为全新的独立法人的消息。另外,张贤国还表示娱美德与盛大游戏之间签订的今年9月份到期的《热血传奇(Legend of Mir II)》中国地区代理合同以及今年10月份到期的《传奇3(Legend of Mir III)》运营合同均不会再续期。

On May 10th, during its’ earnings meeting, Wemade Entertainment announced the incorporation of a new entity which will handle all business ted to the “Legend of MIR II” and “Legend of MIR III” IP. Henry Chang, Wemade’s CEO, also said that Wemade has no intentions to extend the publishing agreement with Shanda Games, of not only the “Legend of MIR II” PC client game when it ends in September of this year, but also the publishing agreement of “Legend of MIR III” PC client game, which will terminate on October of this year with Shanda Games.


As for the reason for not extending the publishing agreement with Shanda Games, he stated, “Shanda Games is purposefully not being transparent in regards to the revenue of our licensed games, and is delaying the payment of royalties. Also, using the status of being the publisher of the PC client game, Shanda Games is illegally claiming that it has the licensing right to the IP and is currently licensing it to other third parties. Thus, how can anyone continue to work with such a partner?”

目前,盛大游戏只拥有限于《热血传奇(Legend of Mir II)》PC端游上的代理运营权限,并只是基于该受限的权利声称其拥有IP相关的被许可权利。该主张明显与事实不符,且将进一步变得毫无根据,因为盛大游戏的上述受限的权利将由于《热血传奇(Legend of Mir II), 传奇3(Legend of Mir III)》PC客户端游戏的运营合同分别于今年9月和10月终止而期满。

Shanda Games currently has the publishing rights only limited to the “Legend of MIR II” PC client game, and Shanda Games is claiming, only d on this limited right, that it has the licensing rights to the IP. This claim clearly is wrong and will further be meritless as even Shanda’s limited right will expire as the publishing agreement for the “Legend of MIR II” and “Legend of MIR III” PC client game will terminate in September and October, respectively, of this year.


When the publishing agreements of these two games expire, and along with the Letter of Authorization which expired in September 2015, Shanda Games will lose even the shaky grounds on which it made these false claims.


It is Wemade’s position that there are sufficient grounds evidencing Shanda’s breach of the publishing agreement and its illegal acts. Therefore, as clearly supported by PRC law and Korean law, Actoz will not be end to extend the publishing agreement on its own.


Also, if Actoz ignores Wemade’s lawful disagreement and extends the publishing agreement with Shanda Games, this action will be in conflict with Actoz’s own stance of claiming that only through complete agreement can either party license the IP.


Meanwhile, even if Actoz tries to extend the publishing agreement with Shanda Games, because Wemade is preparing the service of the “Legend of MIR II” with other partners, Shanda will not be able to claim exclusivity anymore.

最后,无论《热血传奇(Legend of Mir II)》客户端游戏最终出现何种情况,随着数月之后《热血传奇》运营合同到期终止,盛大游戏无疑将会遭到重创。

Finally, regardless of how the “Legend of MIR II”, PC client game situation plays out, it is inevitable that the publishing agreements will terminate in a few months. This will surely have a detrimental impact on Shanda Games.



